Aaron Cole - Director of Operations USD #257 Transportation Office 408 North Cottonwood Iola, KS 66749 Phone: (620) 365-4705 |
The primary concern of the school district is for the safety and welfare of all students riding our buses. In order to provide this safety we must have certain rules and regulations and the support and cooperation of parents, students and school personnel. If you have a concern about the safety and welfare of your student on the bus, please contact Aaron Cole, Transportation Supervisor, 365-4710.
Bus transportation will be available to all eligible students including Kindergarten who live two and one-half (2-1/2) miles from their attendance center. Special Education routes will be available as needed and will run to the appropriate attendance center. In setting up the bus routes, it has been our intent that first on in the morning will be first off in the evening. It has also been a goal that no student will be on a bus longer than one hour. When this occurs it is either unavoidable or we are not aware it is happening.
State regulations strongly recommend that school buses not be backed because of safety unless it is unavoidable. Safe turnarounds must be provided if a student is picked up in a driveway. The bus driver and/or Transportation Supervisor will designate pick up points that are the safest and which best serve the efficiency of the bus while keeping in mind the convenience to students and parents.
Pupils not regularly assigned to the bus may not ride that bus without a special permit from the principal. Students wishing to go home with a bus student to play or stay all night will not be permitted to ride the bus. School bus information should be filled out on the Registration Form by parents requesting transportation for their children. Please be sure to record the correct distance and directions from the attendance center to your residence.
It is very important that the Transportation Dept. knows if you are planning to ride the bus this year. The bus driver will call before the first day of school with a TIME and BUS # of the bus that will be picking your student up the first day of school.
If you decide at a later date that you want to use bus transportation please call the Transportation Office at 365-4705.