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Exit Interview and Checklist

Exit Survey and Checklist

If you are separating from USD 257 this year, the Human Resources Department is very interested in getting feedback from you about the job you held, the work environment, School, and why you are leaving, if you resigned. You may wish to share feedback online via survey or request an appointment to speak to the Human Resources Manager during a face to face meeting. 

As an employer, USD 257 is committed to its employees and is interested in identifying opportunities to improve the work environment. The Exit Interview provides a valuable source of information to measure the overall quality of USD 257. Although not required, we value your responses and hope that your suggestions, comments and observations will help make the best possible work environment for our staff.  Your participation in this survey will not affect any future employment with USD 257. Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Click on the appropriate survey link below.

Teacher Exit Survey

 Classified and Other Staff Exit Survey

Out-Process Form